Since beginning of my carrier I’ve always had a dream to have an art shop next to my house, a cafe place in front of it where I can meet up with my clients. It sounds like a beautiful dream. I shared my dream with my family and my partner several times but it just didn’t happen, because of time and money. Until one day my ego got a tantrum. I said to myself I want it now, I already worked so hard, I deserve it!
Short story, we found an abandoned villa next to my shop and did exactly what I was dreaming about. I should be happy for this achievement right? But in the new place we face new and different problems. It started with renovation which requires so many people to work in it and it creates so many stressful situations. Workers fee was much more expensive than the villa rent itself. Did I enjoy it? I didn’t enjoy it because day by day I only face and solve new challenges. There so many times I was crying, shouting out loud, and say I would give up! The next day after I calm down, I realize I can’t give up because I already spent too much time and energy in it.
Finally villa is all sorted. I have a nice place to sleep and work with a restaurant in front of it. I thought now it will be time to have a good rest a bit, but actually the different and new journey just started and I need to face new problems. It is more than just building something and organizing builders. It is about managing and running the restaurant and rental, staff, food, visitors and customers. All this happens on top of my painting workshop and Wildindo production.
How different is the beautiful dream about have a restaurant and cafe compare to reality with so much work, energy, time and money which make me keep question myself what have I learned from all this? Am I really happy my dream has become? How to be thankful for what I have now? And it all leads to final question what does really matter in life.